Thursday, April 16, 2009

If you were a high school girl, would you rather go toothless or have ugly buck teeth that hurt all the time?

I%26#039;m 15 and after havin%26#039; %26quot;optionB%26quot;(ugly hurtin teeth) I decided to go with %26quot;option A%26quot; after a lot of them got loose and I lost a couple front teeth. What would you pick? Why? Oh yeah, no dental coverage so not havin much money we didn%26#039;t have a lot of choices that were anything like affordable. Hope to get some fake teeth in the spring maybe.

If you were a high school girl, would you rather go toothless or have ugly buck teeth that hurt all the time?
I%26#039;d have all my teeth pulled too if i was in pain. a toothache is the worst. By having them pulled you give yourself the option of dentures down the road. That will be a huge improvement. As for not having dental insurance, my ex%26#039;s sister had the same thing done and went to south carolina for false. They were really cheap there. Being so young, if your parents aren%26#039;t making really good money you may be able to get medicaid. In michigan, it covers dental up til the persons 21
Reply:i would get them all taken out and just put money back to get some he looks good for you
Reply:I would go toothless and wouldnt care if people made fun of me because my dad always told me that if people make fun of you that they are just jelous your teeth will grow back soner or later and I would reather or toothless than be in pain for a long time!

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What should i get if i have a overbite and buck teeth?

and some of my teeth are not the same size as the others!!!!

so what do u suggest for this to?

What should i get if i have a overbite and buck teeth?
Reply:i would reccomned getting braces, ortodontist can do amazing things now in a short perid of time, i am sure if an over bite and buck teeth are your only problem and your teeth arent too crooked you will be in and out of braces in about a year
Reply:braces, i do it fa cheap, lol,in my base ment ;)

mens health

When getting braces, does it hurt? Do i need to take out teeth?(I have buck teeth on the top)?

overcrowded teeth on the top only not the bottom. bottom is fine

also i have one tooth that is slightly up ( its not striaght with the other ones)

i want to know if it hurts when you get braces and when does it hurt? also if invisalign an option for me?

When getting braces, does it hurt? Do i need to take out teeth?(I have buck teeth on the top)?
I wouldn%26#039;t call it %26#039;pain%26#039; more like %26#039;discomfort%26#039;. You can take Tylenol for the pain after they attach the wire, and when they adjust the wire. Make sure you get the dental wax and put it on right after they%26#039;ve put the bands and/or wire on. I.E. use the wax before the metal hurts your cheeks. Also, follow the instructions on what foods you should avoid. And clean your teeth well - get the dental floss threaders so you can still floss under your braces. Brush after every meal and snack - having braces really makes you aware of what you eat and drink.

Just remember - it%26#039;s worth it. You don%26#039;t want to have dentures when you get older. :-)
Reply:when they tighten the braces it is kind of painful. invisaligns break easy if you%26#039;re not careful.
Reply:i think you might be able to get invisalign.

braces hurt only at the beginning, because your jaw is adjusting.

so you%26#039;ll have to eat soft foods and your jaw will ache.

they might take some teeth out in the back, depending on the structure of your mouth and the locations and stuff.

but after awhile, you%26#039;ll get used to it.
Reply:you may have to get a tooth pulled but the rest should be able to get corrected with braces. Invisalign may look better but I don%26#039;t know if it actually works as well as metal braces.
Reply:If your mouth is over crowded then yes you will need 2 teeth out either side of the top. I had four out and it didn%26#039;t hurt but it all depends on the dentist.

The brace does hurt for the first week or so and whenever you get it tightened for a day. You can%26#039;t eat much but it is sooo worth it. After the first two weeks or so you%26#039;ll be back to eatng normal foods and it%26#039;ll all be back to normal and you just get used to it and forget it%26#039;s there.
Reply:Braces only hurt when they first get put on and you cant eat for like 3 days and then after that they are sore for like a week but after you get over that then they are so fine- liek you dont even notice them

and i think al,ost everyone can have invisalign but it costs way more and sometimes looks ugly cos it is just lads of metal in your mouth as it is not as invisible as they like to think :P
Reply:For me it didn%26#039;t hurt that much. They don%26#039;t give you pain meds. or numbing stuff. It is boring though because it takes about 2 hours.
Reply:Invisiline is only for people with minor corrections to make. Braces are a big commitment and they hurt some more than others. I have braces myself and getting them on didn%26#039;t hurt just when they are tightened. Most places will give you a free consultation thou.
Reply:braces are not as bad as they sound...sure your teeth are sore for couple of days but the pain goes away and sometimes i forget that i even have braces. well i had overcrowding on my top teeth and two adult teeth removed and i was terrifyed but it was over before i knew it. the tooth that is slightly up will get fixed by the pressure from your braces. invasalign is an option open to you but i wouldnt recommend it because when i talked my orcthodontist she said you would have more pain with invisaligh because you would be tempted to take them off when you are sore. invasailgn would also mean you would be wearing braces longer because you do not have constant pressure. my opinion is stick with braces...i got mine a couple of months ago and seriously dont believe when people tell you they are horrible because they are not as bad as they sound!
Reply:Well i just got braces on Wednesday and surprisingly it didn%26#039;t hurt that bad it was uncomfortable and a little bit of pain here and there they feel really weird when you first get them but all in all it%26#039;s not that bad. If you do get them cut everything into smaller pieces so you don%26#039;t chock or wreck your braces.
Reply:You probably shouldnt get teeth removed, the wire will move them apart enough to make room for them to be straightened.

They dont hurt, more uncomfortable than anything else. Spacers that you get before your braces hurt, but you wont have those long. When you get them tightened theyll hurt some but only for a day or so.

If your teeth are pretty straight invisalign may be an option, you really have to talk to your ortho about that.


When i put lipstick on it goes on my teeth and i dont have buck teeth?

well yesterday i was oin the store and i was wearing lipstick and it got all over my teeth ewww!!!

When i put lipstick on it goes on my teeth and i dont have buck teeth?
Make a small %26quot;O%26quot; shape with your mouth, slide your index finger in, then out. It will remove any lipstick that will stain your teeth.
Reply:Try putting just a little bit of Vaseline on the front of your teeth...if that doesn%26#039;t work, just make sure you check in the mirror before you go anywhere!
Reply:Get some lip sealant.

Cover Girl makes a brand of lip gloss called Outlast, but you can buy the sealant separately in drugstores. It%26#039;s clear and usually will come in a blue or silver tube. It will prevent your lip color from going anywhere, even your teeth.

I use it all the time, and my lipgloss/stick will last all day. Seriously.
Reply:probably your putting to much on or you lick your lips too much...or clear gel lipstick so that the color stains won%26#039;t show
Reply:After you apply the lipstick, place your index finger in your mouth. Lightly close your mouth around your finger. Now pull your finger out. Any excess lipstick that would go on your teeth is now on your finger.
Reply:here%26#039;s a tip to keep the lipstick off of your teeth: when you put it on, take your index finger and kind of just put your lips around it....not really sucking but just rub it on the inside part of your lips and it%26#039;ll get any lipstick that could possibly get on your teeth! i know it sounds crazy and it%26#039;s kinda hard to explain, but just try it!
Reply:Well my friend put a piece of paper under her top lip as she is putting lipstick on it prevent it from getting on your teeth.
Reply:pucker out when you put lip stick on just keep your mouth closed...tight

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Would you call a girl hot if she had buck teeth?(guys)?

there is this really pretty girl that is my friend and the only thing wrong is that she has big teeth. she has never had a boyfriend.

so does this matter to you?

Would you call a girl hot if she had buck teeth?(guys)?
Yeah, There was this chick at the place where I used to work who had some big *** front teeth. But she was like super hot. She had an incredible body and a really pretty face. And she used to put her hair up in these pigtails sometimes, super hot, they were like handle bars. Oh my god, I%26#039;ll be back in like 15 minutes.
Reply:lock at Buck from flavor of love, she has a boyfriend now
Reply:It matters a little bit but I put more emphasis on personality than teeth.
Reply:I try not to judge people by their teeth seeing how I have a gap.
Reply:I wouldn%26#039;t If I were a guy...she wouldn%26#039;t deserve it
Reply:im not a guy but Id like to know because I have big teeth too
Reply:Doesn%26#039;t matter as long as she%26#039;s careful when she%26#039;s going down.
Reply:Beaver teeth (shudder)?


Is it true that some guys think buck teeth are kinda sexy?

I%26#039;m curious about what guys really think about a girl (high school age)with teeth that stick out a lot.

Is it true that some guys think buck teeth are kinda sexy?
Guys at that age can be kinda shallow, but really a girl%26#039;s personality is what matters. Looks are gonna fade with age, and all that is left is WHO they are. Don%26#039;t let any of those guys who have yet to grow up get you down.
Reply:Just make sure you cover them with your lip when you go to work.
Reply:I really do not know the answer to that one. I%26#039;ve never really given it any thought. I would suppose that there are in fact some men / boys who would fined that very sexy / attactive.
Reply:It would depend on if your teeth matched your face. There was a girl I knew in college who had a gap in her two front teeth. I used to think it made her look cute but she hated it.

Be warned here I am about to use a cliche but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Reply:I%26#039;m not sure what guys really think, but I%26#039;d go with the dentures girl. You won%26#039;t be sorry. I got a full set when I was 14 and my bf loves it.
Reply:I%26#039;ve heard of gaps, but not bucked teeth
Reply:if the personality and attitude is there, nothing else will be seen......
Reply:don%26#039;t care, thick lips like angelina jolie would be a great turn on!
Reply:I%26#039;m a guy and personally I don%26#039;t consider that sexy...everyone does have there own opinion though, so there might be guys that like that

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I have an underbite and two front buck teeth.?

I cant chew with my front teeth or my bottom jaw. Im going to the dentist on the 16th, What are they going to do with me?

I heard they break jaws or something....

I have an underbite and two front buck teeth.?
%26quot;Buck teeth%26quot; usually implies overbite. Do your lower teeth stick out infront of your upper teeth when you bite? Or is it the other way around? Overbites are usually easier to correct with orthodontics (braces). Mild underbites can also be corrected but if they are severe, sometimes, yes, it is necessary to break the jaw, and sometimes even to remove a portion of jaw bone (this would be done at a maxillofacial surgeon or oral surgeon%26#039;s office, not at the dentist). At your dentist appointment they will simply assess you: Take impressions (molds of your teeth) and a panoramic xray (that goes all the way around your head) as well as a cephalometric xray (photo of entire skull from the side to look at your profile and take measurements) there will be no breaking of bones at this appointment. It%26#039;s possible, from your description, that you may have an %26quot;open bite%26quot;.....where you cannot touch the front teeth together and you can push your tongue through the space. When young kids have this condition (age 6-8) it sometimes helps to hold a grain of rice behind that back front teeth with the tongue to get the tongue used to touching the roof of the mouth before a swallow (as opposed to sticking it out between the teeth). This helps to move the erupting adult teeth into proper occulsion. This is also sometimes a difficult misalignment to re-align simply with braces in individuals who have all of their adult teeth (typically by age 13 with the exception of wisdom teeth). If your dentist does some orthodontics in their office and they consider you for braces that they are putting on themselves, then your case is likely uncomplicated and %26quot;fixing%26quot; your teeth will be a breeze. They may refer you to an orthodontist who is the braces expert which is where most people get their braces put on. Most people who need braces do not need to have bones broken to fix their bite. However, sometimes there is just no way around it if you want to have a result that you are happy with/good functionality. One of the greatest joys in life is chewing so having your teeth aligned for proper function is very important. Plus, properly aligned teeth and jaws give you a more natural looking facial profile and allow you to process your food more thoroughly which equals better absorption of nutrients from your food. Hopefully, I%26#039;ve answered your question?
Reply:My daughter had the same thing and what they did is place an expander under her tongue to push her jaw out and put an expander on the roof of her mouth. Her mouth was sore for a week. There is a key that you put in your mouth, like a straightened out paper clip that fits into a hole in the roof of the mouth expander and it allows you to move the expander of a rotation of 1/4 turn. It doesn%26#039;t hurt. Eat jello and mashed potatoes the first week. Kind of sore to chew but the pressure goes away pretty quickly and then its a piece of cake. Later expect the braces and bands. Again, not a big deal. Then there is the retainer. That%26#039;s about it.
Reply:Ok, I have 2 friends who used to have that problem.

1of them got braces and she still has them.She says she%26#039;s getting them off next year.

My other friend,yeah the dentist broke her jaw.But don%26#039;t worry!

She%26#039;s not so good with those kinda things, but she said she didn%26#039;t feel a thing!

Which ever way you get,Good luck!

If it makes you feel any better,I%26#039;m getting braces too!
